I think that we do have Jira issues for ignored test, there should be no problem with that. The questionable point is that when test gets Ignored, people might consider the problem as "less painful" and postpone the correct solution until ... forever. I'd just like to discuss if people see this as an issue. If yes, should we do something about that, or if no, maybe we can create a rule that test marked as Ignored for long time might be deleted, because apparently is only a dead code.

On 5/6/20 6:30 PM, Kenneth Knowles wrote:
Good point.

The raw numbers are available in the test run output. See https://builds.apache.org/view/A-D/view/Beam/view/PostCommit/job/beam_PreCommit_Java_Cron/2718/testReport/ for the "skipped" column. And you get the same on console or Gradle Scan: https://scans.gradle.com/s/ml3jv5xctkrmg/tests?collapse-all
This would be good to review periodically for obvious trouble spots.

But I think you mean something more detailed. Some report with columns: Test Suite, Test Method, Jira, Date Ignored, Most Recent Update

I think we can get most of this from Jira, if we just make sure that each ignored test has a Jira and they are all labeled in a consistent way. That would be the quickest way to get some result, even though it is not perfectly automated and audited.


On Tue, May 5, 2020 at 2:41 PM Jan Lukavský <je...@seznam.cz <mailto:je...@seznam.cz>> wrote:


    it seems we are accumulating test cases (see discussion in [1])
    that are
    marked as @Ignored (mostly due to flakiness), which is generally
    undesirable. Associated JIRAs seem to be open for a long time, and
    might generally cause that we loose code coverage. Would anyone have
    idea on how to visualize these Ignored tests better? My first idea
    be something similar to "Beam dependency check report", but that
    to be not the best example (which is completely different issue :)).


    [1] https://github.com/apache/beam/pull/11614

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