On Mar 25, 2006, at 10:33 AM, CPHennessy wrote:

In the new approach, those five citations each point to the same --
single -- metadata record, which is moved out of the content file into
its own dedicated file.
Ah, now this was not clear to me.

Good :-)

But the example docs you gave me did not do this.

You mean example odt files?

I presume that this was to make life a bit easier for me.

Yes. Since you are initially just focusing on parsing and displaying the citation itself (not worrying really about generating the rendering text per se), I didn't think it critical.

Obviously this means that this URI will also be associated with the citation
in the bibliographic record ?


Keep in mind that the ODF TC has just now setup a metadata SC (which I am on) that will settle on a general approach to all this, and so out of that will likely come some specific specs.

OTOH, of course, what we do here can (and I think will) impact that spec.

FWIW, here's an example of what I'd expect this embedded metadata might look like:


So the cite:biblioref element might have a cite:key attribute (the name of this attribute might change, BTW, depending on what happens with the metadata SC) value of "urn:isbn:1859844219", which then links to this record:

   <Book rdf:about="urn:isbn:1859844219">
<foaf:maker rdf:resource="http://purl.org/net/darcusb/people#zizek-s"/> <dc:title>Welcome to the Desert of the Real! Five Essays on 11 September and Related Dates</dc:title>
<dc:publisher rdf:resource="http://purl.org/net/darcusb/organizations#verso"/>

However, there can be local modifications. For example, let's say we
have an author-date citation style, in which a standard (global)
citation is rendered like (Doe, 1999). A local style change might be
where the author is left off, so that you end up with (1999).
Ok, my first attempt may ignore the possibility for local changes.

That's totally fine.


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