On Thursday 06 April 2006 4:24 am, Matthias Steffens wrote:
> On Wed, 5-Apr-2006 10:27 -0400, Bruce D'Arcus wrote:

> Yes, that's a very nice feature. However, when I'm writing a paper, 95%
> of the cited references do already exist in my bibliographic database
> and I want to use these (and not a copy from somewhere else) since I
> know that I've verified my own entries for correctness (multiple
> times). The same cannot be said for any remotely fetched data and I'd
> need to check each entry for correctness. 
(If you wonder why I make late entries into some of the discussions - it's 
because I am not up a 2:30 am)

Yes I agree, we can not assume that library catalogues are correct - even the 
sainted US LOC. I was told recently the a common library cataloguing 
practice, and one used my university,  is that when a new book comes in to be 
catalogue, the cataloguer, does a world-wide library search and copies the 
first cataloguing entry found. Now if they all do this all the libraries have 
copies of the very first cataloguing entry produced for that book by X from 
library Y, and X may not be all the skilled at writing them because he or she 
mostly spends their time copying other libraries' efforts.
This also partly explains why book on the same topics are not always together 
on the shelves.

Also the libraries I have used often have problems collecting  the books of 
one author under the same author listing. So you have books by 

Smith Fred, S
Smith Fred, S  (1934- )
Smith Fred, S  (1934-1987)

(Which will look poor in your Dissertation, and be even worse if you assumed 
they were different people)

So the point is that collecting internet cataloguing data will not be a magic 
corrector of data. Useful, but it will still need checking by the user.

David N. Wilson
Co-Project Lead for the Bibliographic 
OpenOffice Project

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