On Apr 5, 2006, at 10:28 AM, Matt Price wrote:

N. Wiener to J. von Neumann, 16 Jy. 1955, Box III, Wiener Archives,
there won't be any standard urn for this kind of reference, will

So I agree with Matthias that a secondary key mechanism is important.

I sometimes use archival data, so am aware of this problem. Like I said, there would be a fallback uri mechanism to cover this sort of thing.

As I said, I know there are real world difficulties with this approach, but consider all the (much greater) problems of the alternative: every user has their own unique reference scheme. Two collaborate on a document, one citing an article using "xyz" and the other the exact same article using "123". Imagine THAT headache!

In any case, whatever we decide will be part of the more general metadata-in-ODF discussion.


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