Matthias Steffens wrote:
On 30-Jul-07 at 15:37 -0400 Frederick Giasson wrote:

        InternetDocument # I'm [not] convinced we need this as a
        full type
I agree, especially when one considers that in the future a thesis
or a report (or whatever) may be published online exclusively. So I
think that I'd prefer to have a universal property such as
"OnlinePublication" or the like.

As I already said on the biblio and zotero mailing list:

I think that this should be inferred by the identifier. So, if the
identifier is bibo:uri, then we know that its an online resource
and that it can be accessible on the Web. So, such a document, is
what you would refers to an OnlinePublication.

if the identifier is bibo:isbn10, then you know that it is a
published document.

I may not getting it here, but how would a software then process an
item that has both an ISBN identifier as well as an URI identifer
that points to an online representation of that document?

Generally, what regards inferring any kind of information implicitly
(instead of stating it explicitly via a property or the like), it's
important to think of real-world scenarios where some information
(such as an ISBN number or an URI) may be missing from the user's
own metadata for a particular item. Processing logic may fail too
easily if too much has to be inferred.

One small question: many articles are published ahead of print. Do they have an ISBN? Or is the ISBN available only after publishing in written format? Does anyone know more exactly how this EPUB works?



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