Hi Dammina, John,

What is the status of the new VM? (per

Dammina: I see that you're not "watching" that ticket. Please do so. These
Bloodhound VMs have been off/on/ignored for far too long, and I was hoping
that you and John would get bloodhound-vm3 up and running. I had asked for
*two* volunteers.

Can Infrastructure delete bloodhound-vm and bloodhound-vm2? I presume there
is no data to copy from those?

Greg Stein
Infrastructure Administrator, ASF
(and Bloodhound PMC Member)

On Sun, Nov 5, 2017 at 7:07 PM, Greg Stein <gst...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sun, Nov 5, 2017 at 4:05 AM, John Chambers <cham...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Hi Greg/Dammina,
>> I have been looking at how to get a working version of the Bloodhound
>> instance locally from a backup file I made on August 1st 2017. I have
>> asked
> That should be the latest, as the site wasn't running after that date, so
> no further changes could have been made.
> Infra should have backups (and I believe the VM is still around, but
> turned off).
>> Gary for some help with instructions on the correct way to do this.
>> However
>> if anyone else has the details then please let me know. I am unsure at the
>> moment if the backup I have has everything in it needed to restore the
>> issues and wiki to the state it was previously. Also I am not aware of any
>> other backups of the system.
>> My plan is to create a working 0.4 version of Bloodhound from this backup
>> and then upgrade it to 0.8. Then take another backup which can then be
>> used
>> to create our new instance of the official site on a new VM. Once I can
>> get
>> to this point I will publish the instructions here along with the backup
>> file for others to try. Then once the process has been verified I will put
>> my name forward as the second person to manage the new official VM and
>> work
>> with Dammina to get it operational and maintained going forward.
> Great! With you and Dammina, we can reopen INFRA-13255 and y'all can help
> set up and manage a new VM. That can either be the issues.apache.org live
> VM, or a demo, as you wish.
> Cheers,
> -g

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