> On Aug 24, 2017, at 5:21 PM, Peter Donald <pe...@realityforge.org> wrote:
> Hi hi,
> On Fri, Aug 25, 2017 at 4:26 AM, Antoine Toulme <anto...@toulme.name> wrote:
>> I was wondering about a couple of things we could do.
>> On the one hand, we have this in the changelog right now:
>> 1.5.4 (Pending)
>> * Added: Support to compiling Kotlin
>> * Fixed: Remove section on development builds in the Contributing section.
>> * Added: New way to concatenate file contents when merging several
>> archives together.
>> * Added: New way to transform file contents when merging several archives
>> together.
>> * Fixed: Removed .class files from being checked in.
>> * Added: Support both Jetty 6 and Jetty 9 as addons. Added integration
>> tests to cover their use.
>> We could cut this and release 1.5.4.
> If we do this route I will also fix BUILDR-732 recently submitted by Eric
> Bruneton
I liked that you asked him to see if he could contribute a fix.
I’d be super stoked to get a contrib, and I can volunteer to do a 1.5.5 just 
for that fix if needed :)
>> At the same time, I am wondering if we could push a few more changes in
>> call it 1.6.0.
>> Off the top of my head:
>> * Now that we support Kotlin compilation, there is a couple of frameworks
>> we can support for testing, like Spek.
>> * We (ok, maybe just me) could spend some time on the website to revamp
>> it, add more things, remove some more deprecated elements.
>> * Integrate with lock_jar? I started using it in my projects and I think
>> it has unique value most users would not discover on their own.
> I have been meaning to integrate this with or something like it for ages so
> I would love to see this happen.
>> Please let me know what you think.
> If we decide to go to 1.6.0 I would also like to invest some time and redo
> the way we generate intellij idea project files. I would like to be able to
> support all the different types of projects in idea and all different
> language/artefact types. (Mostly node/typescript and ruby modules).
> I have a library that I have been working on that is ~95% complete at
> https://github.com/realityforge/reality-idea which just helps you generate
> idea project files. Rewriting this as a library is helping me test it
> extensively.
> I have yet to complete the integration back into buildr but I expect I
> should be able to do that while maintaining the existing API. However I am
> about to go on holiday for a bit and in preparation mode for baby2 so I
> suspect I wont be able to get this done until the end of September. If we
> can wait that long for 1.6.0 then I can get off my caboose and work on
> that.
That sounds fine, and congrats! 🎉👶

Let me know if you’d like help on this.
> Otherwise more than happy for a 1.5.4 release and a 1.6.0 release when we
> get to it.
> -- 
> Cheers,
> Peter Donald

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