
I've found a simplification issue a while ago; written an ignored test for it - 
and opened a new jira to have the fix its own ticket:
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CALCITE-2327 - because it was not 
connected to the actual ticket.

* I've submitted a patch to disable this oversimplification because that seemed 
to be the right move to me.
* The review process became stuck after a while...
* Today I've got a mail that my PR is got closed by Vladimir Sitnikov...I went 
to see what's up...
* Seems like Vladimir have just committed a different patch - and closed the 
ticket (which is still assigned to me) and that's it...
* I feel that it would have been better to at least contact me prior to just throwing a completely different patch at the problem - ...because unfortunately this new patch still contains an bug.

I've looked at the last few commits to see if this a "pattern": for CALCITE-2271 something similar happened...Alexey Makhmutov have submitted a PR in April; 2 days ago Vladimir have continued and submitted his own version of it.

Sorry, but I don't think the above process is "right"...


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