Hey community, I need your help. You might have noticed that Vladimir
and I are fighting it out in a long email thread [1].

I find it stressful and time-consuming to be involved in threads such
as this with Vladimir. And I find myself taking out my frustrations on
my family. I should not have to go through this.

Ten years ago Ceki Gülcü, founder of Log4j, wrote a blog post on why
he left Apache [2]. It's a great post, and you should read it.
Vladimir himself has cited it in other Apache threads recently,
although he probably identifies with different personas in the post
than I do.

One of the themes of the blog post is that the community must step in
and enforce culture, and not give trolls the benefit of the doubt.

Read the article, and having read it, if you agree, step up.


[1] https://lists.apache.org/thread/gjytkp4obzh8lnn686cwlb87y07nq6f6

[2] http://ceki.blogspot.com/2010/05/forces-and-vulnerabilites-of-apache.html

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