Hi David,

On Sun, Sep 19, 2021 at 1:46 AM David Jencks <david.a.jen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Now I have more questions :-\


> IIUC the latest (code) release is 3.11.2.  Is this what is documented in the 
> 3.11.x doc version?


> Does the doc ‘latest’ version document unreleased code, i.e.  the current 
> state of the ‘main’ branch? If so, would it be appropriate to make it a 
> pre-release version?

Yes it's whatever is on `main`, we could name it pre-release instead
of latest. I would forgo the `latest` as a version, i.e. go with
Antora versionless documentation, and put "(Pre release)" in the name,
as we have for LTS.

> Is 3.12 (non-LTS, IIUC) going to get a doc version other than ‘latest’?

It should, we did that before for latest (and non `main`) non-LTS versions.

> Apparently 3.4.x (LTS) went out of support sometime around last July.  Would 
> it be appropriate to remove the doc version or label it out of support, 
> perhaps (LTS expired)?

I think we should, it was probably left there because of inertia. Not
sure how folk feel about keeping older versions of documentation, e.g.
we do keep a release archive. Perhaps it would be good for the users
to also release a documentation archive?

> In general, it might be nice to include the expiration date of LTS versions 
> somewhere prominent in the docs, perhaps the components index page.


> too many questions….

Keep 'em coming :)

Zoran Regvart

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