I opened CAMEL-16992 <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAMEL-16992> to 
deal with  some of this.

- removes 3.4.x (camel, camel-spring-boot, camel-karat)
- labels camel main latest ‘prerelease: true’ and sets the display-version to 
‘3.12.0 (Prerelease)’. The version segment in the URI is still ‘latest’  I 
think this is OK, and should make it easier to update when a new version is 
- makes references to eips from components pages stay within the components 
version rather than go to ‘latest’.  References from user-manual still go to 

Theres a preview at https://pr-628--camel.netlify.app 

David Jencks

> On Sep 19, 2021, at 10:20 PM, Claus Ibsen <claus.ib...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 19, 2021 at 1:46 AM David Jencks <david.a.jen...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:david.a.jen...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Now I have more questions :-\
>> IIUC the latest (code) release is 3.11.2.  Is this what is documented in the 
>> 3.11.x doc version?
>> Does the doc ‘latest’ version document unreleased code, i.e.  the current 
>> state of the ‘main’ branch? If so, would it be appropriate to make it a 
>> pre-release version?
> Yeah latest is the current main code, but a good idea to rename it to
> pre-release or something like that.
>> Is 3.12 (non-LTS, IIUC) going to get a doc version other than ‘latest’?
> Yeah the last release is there, eg 3.12.0, 3.13.0 and so on. But a non
> LTS is removed asap a new release is out, so 3.12.0 is removed when
> 3.13.0 is released.
>> Apparently 3.4.x (LTS) went out of support sometime around last July.  Would 
>> it be appropriate to remove the doc version or label it out of support, 
>> perhaps (LTS expired)?
> Yeah lets remove it
>> In general, it might be nice to include the expiration date of LTS versions 
>> somewhere prominent in the docs, perhaps the components index page.
> The EOL date is listed on downloads, which IMHO is a natural place for
> such information
> https://camel.apache.org/download/ <https://camel.apache.org/download/>
>> too many questions….
>> Thanks
>> David Jencks
>>> On Sep 18, 2021, at 12:31 AM, Zoran Regvart <zo...@regvart.com> wrote:
>>> Hi David & Cameleers,
>>> as far as I’m aware, all sub-projects lag behind the latest Camel version. 
>>> I don’t know if that’s a problem, they usually are not very far behind.
>>> For the documentation and Camel Quarkus in particular, the past experience 
>>> was that pointing to the latest Camel version often led to broken links so 
>>> not changing the version led to greater stability of the website.
>>> I do think that documentation should be cross linked against the correct 
>>> versions, i.e. the ones they depend on in the code and that version should 
>>> be prominently displayed in the documentation.
>>> zoran
>>> --
>>> Sent from mobile
>>>> On 16. Sep 2021, at 22:10, David Jencks <david.a.jen...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> While fixing the broken camel-quarkus partial website build I noticed a 
>>>> couple of things I don’t understand.
>>>> 1. camel-quarkus latest seems to use camel 3.11.x, at least the docs do.  
>>>> I think that, if this is really correct, the camel-quarkus index page 
>>>> should prominently say that you aren’t getting the cutting-edge latest 
>>>> camel in camel-quarkus, but something slightly older.  Naively, I expected 
>>>> camel-quarkus versions to track camel versions.  Indicating the 
>>>> relationship between versions would certainly help me.
>>>> 2. eips are now versioned with components, but at least some links from 
>>>> components to eips use {eip-vc} in  
>>>> xref:{eip-vc}:eips:polling-consumer.adoc[Polling Consumer]
>>>> which points to the latest eips.  If camel-quarkus really intentionally 
>>>> depends on camel 3.11.x then it should be possible to build the partial 
>>>> website with only the 3.11.x  versions, but I get lots of errors like
>>>> [ERROR] [12:44:05.727] ERROR (asciidoctor): target of xref not found: 
>>>> latest@components:eips:polling-consumer.adoc
>>>> [ERROR]     file: 
>>>> docs/components/modules/ROOT/pages/beanstalk-component.adoc
>>>> [ERROR]     source: https://github.com/apache/camel.git (refname: 
>>>> camel-3.11.x, start path: docs/components)
>>>> I think there are 22 such usages, involving all links in the `components` 
>>>> component to eips.
>>>> If we agree this is a problem I’ll prepare some PRs for the affected 
>>>> branches (presumably at least main and 3.11.x)
>>>> David Jencks
>>>> side note: The camel-quarkus index page (both latest and 2.0.0) says
>>>> Camel Quarkus also takes advantage of the many performance improvements 
>>>> made in Camel 3, which results in a lower memory footprint, less reliance 
>>>> on reflection (which is good for native application support) and faster 
>>>> startup times.
>>>> I’m bewildered by this, and want to know “compared with what?”.  I also 
>>>> think it would be nice if there was an explanation of what is different 
>>>> between the latest and 2.0.0 versions of camel-quarkus, right on the index 
>>>> page.
> -- 
> Claus Ibsen
> -----------------
> http://davsclaus.com <http://davsclaus.com/> @davsclaus
> Camel in Action 2: https://www.manning.com/ibsen2 
> <https://www.manning.com/ibsen2>

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