At the moment we have 222 open pull requests.  Some dating back 4 years.
For some the repository from which they were pulled from has been deleted.
For many there are branch conflicts.

Now, I am new here so please excuse any misstatements and attribute to
ignorance not malice any offence.

I would like to propose the  following:

   1. We accept simple typo corrections without a ticket.
   2. Add a "Propose Close" label
   3. We "Propose Close" any pull request for which the originating
   repository has been deleted.
   4. We "Propose Close" any ticket, other than simple typo corrections,
   that has been labeled missing-ticket for more than 30 days.
   5. We Close any pull request that has been in the "Propose Close" state
   for more than 30 days.

I don't have access to make any of these changes.  If granted access I
would be willing to manage the process.


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