Hi Claude,

you said: "I don't know the govt spec. but there is a US govt security level 
where you are not allowed to inform the user why the login failed."

I do not think this is the case. Nobody is going to inform a user with existing 
role in the db why he failed to log in, when it comes to this CEP (is not it 
actually already in place? CQLSH says your username / password combo is invalid 
on login already) This CEP has nothing to do with it.

What we have in mind, I think, it is more about informing him about the details 
when the password he tries to set (upon role creation) or change (via role 
alteration), is not valid, based on the policy.

I reckon that what Jeff simply wants to see is a log if such change was 
successful or not. Lets repeat here what Jeff would like to see:

"Password changed for user X, complying with policies (reuse, complexity, 
"ERROR: Password rejected due to policy violation (reuse)"
"ERROR: Password rejected due to policy violation (complexity)"
"ERROR: Password rejected due to policy violation (entropy)"

This is a generalized version of what we already have in place in CEP, we have 
there information like:

Password must be 10 or more characters in length. Password must contain 2 or 
more uppercase characters. Password matches 3 of 4 character rules, but 4 are 
Password matches one of 5 previous passwords.
Password must be 12 or more characters in length

Now, I have to admit that the information we provide above, in contrast of what 
Jeff mentioned, is quite verbose. It is questionable whether we should be so 
specific or whether more generalized version is enough.

Maybe two versions of the logs would be the most appropriate - ours (more 
detailed) would be returned to a user in cqlsh as a warning / error after 
unsuccessful query execution but the messages Jeff mentioned would be written 
in system logs via slf4j. So we would be detailed for a user but general for 
auditing purposes.

Do you think this makes sense to you all? I think this is want you said, more 
or less, in your middle paragraph, just formulated differently.

I agree with Jackson with the password meter e-mail. After all, if somebody 
really wants that to happen, since our solution is pluggable, people can 
implement their own password-meter-based solution if they find it necessary.

To fail a password when it is reused (or found among previous n). I am on the 
edge here. I understand what Josh is telling, that we can go just so far when 
it comes to prevent people from doing wrong things, maybe increasing the 
password history to 20 last passwords would be enough. Anyway, I plan to make 
this historical password verification optional so it might be turned on / off 
on demand.

Finally, when it comes to password dictionaries. This might be included in the 
CEP but I would keep it out for the very first implementation and it can be 
finished afterwards in some other commit. I do not find it absolutely necessary 
to do it right now.



From: Claude Warren, Jr via dev <dev@cassandra.apache.org>
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2022 9:44
To: dev@cassandra.apache.org
Subject: Fwd: [Discuss] CEP-24 Password validation and generation

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I managed not to send this to the mailaing list...

I don't know the govt spec. but there is a US govt security level where
you are not allowed to inform the user why the login failed.

It seems to me that there are 2 intertwined components being discussed.

1) A component to perform a user password change capability

2) A plugable validation component.

3) A pluggable observability component.

Without a validation component all passwords are valid and provides user
messages for failures.  Validation receives the new password and some
list of old passwords as arguments.  Validation returns a structure
comprising the success/failure, the user message, internal result,
internal result message.

The observability implementations could log the results, send counts to
Grafana, etc.  If there is no observer then no results are presented.

Alternatively the validation could accept the observability component as
an argument and pass the internal result and internal result message
directly to the observability component.

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