Hi Stevo,

Stevo Slavić wrote:
> Hello Werner and Ralf,
>    - My patch hasn't been applied completely. Even so, patch didn't remove
>    all references to 2.0-SNAPSHOT version of castor-maven-plugin (just ones
>    which prevented building castor), and there are some other snapshot
>    references too (default release plugin configuration would have prevented
>    this). All the modules seem to inherit org.codehaus.castor:castor 
> aggregator
>    parent module which has pluginManagement section but it currently doesn't
>    specify castor-maven-plugin. IMO it would be best to add 
> castor-maven-plugin
>    with latest released version there, and then remove all the version
>    references from other child modules - this would improve consistency and
>    maintainability.

I just added castor-maven-plugin:2.0 to the <pluginManagement> section
of the parent POM, and apparently raised the version number to 2.0. At
the same time I removed all <dependencies> overrides (those actually
active as well as those commented out) from the module POMs.

Planned steps:

- Remove the use of the build-helper-plugin as the plugin should handle
this itself as of release 2.0.
- Remove the use of the <resources> section to handle inclusion of the
generated .castoir.cdr files as the plugin should handle this itself as
of release 2.0.
- Move the phase binding of the plugin to the <pluginManagement> section
, if possible.


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