Actually, found and fixed the problem. Had to upgrade to castor-maven-plugin:2.1-SNAPSHOT (temporarily), and now those classes get generated with Castor 1.3.1 (instead of Had to bring a small fix to InfoToDescriptorConverter (actually, the very same fix as for JDOClassDescriptorFactory), and

> mvn clean test

now just runs fine.

As a result of this confusion, I have reverted the creation of the IT Maven profile, and (re-)included the following modules into the <modules> section of the root POM.

- cpactf
- jdo-extenskions-it
- jpa-extensions-it

And there's some follow-ups to do:

- Start using the maven-failsafe-plugin so that we can distinguish (at the level of Maven builds) between genuine unit tests and integration tests.


On 05.04.2010 20:31, Werner Guttmann wrote:
Hi Lukas,

I am getting the same problems. What I can see so far is that the
classes generated within the jdo/jpa-extensions-it modules are generated
using not the current released version, as they still have statements
such as ...


in the constructor code, which should really read ....


instead. The code at JDOClassDescriptorFactory seems to be doing the
correct thing, so it looks like classes are not generated against
version 1.3.1 of Castor. Actually, they are not, as the generated
classes refer to version .. :(.

Thanks for your help ....


On 05.04.2010 20:07, Lukas Lang wrote:
Hey all,

I did a fresh checkout, cleaned my local Maven repository and was able
to build Castor from scratch. Running the integration tests using
profile "it" at least did not work for me. It seems like there is
still a problem due to the dependency cycle in Castor Spring ORM ;-(

I'll try to find some time and fix it on the weekend.


Am 05.04.2010 um 19:51 schrieb Werner Guttmann:


I just committed new version numbers for those modules
(1.3.2-SNAPSHOT), so manual patches should not be the issue anymore.

Having said that, it seems like you are having a problem I (we) are
not able to reproduce .. :-(. So let's ask the obvious questions:

a) What Java version are you using ?
b) What Maven version are you using ?


On 05.04.2010 12:52, Philipp Erlacher wrote:
Hi Lukas,

Thanks for the hint.

I changed the parent artefact version in cpaptf, examples,
jdo-extensions-it, jpa-extensions-it and the global pom.xml to

This doesn't help me, I get same error.


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