On Thu, Aug 7, 2014 at 4:39 AM, Rohit Yadav <rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I think the following can solve the cherry-picking problem but it needs 
> everyone’s support to work:
> - Once a release branch is cut out, all the committers and contributors 
> “should” only work on the release branch. It can be discussed if we want to 
> work on it directly or branch out on it and work in that branch and have RMs 
> to merge that branch on the release branch. IMO if we work directly on the 
> release branch we potentially reduce a lot of RM’s work.
> - Only (new) feature development and related enhancements/bugfixes can land 
> on master directly or merged from their respective branches.
> - The RMs or anyone would keep merging the release branch with fast forward 
> only on regular basis:
>       git checkout master
>       git merge --ff <release-branch>
>       <fix any conflicts and git commit -as etc.>
> This way ‘master' gets all the good stuff from release branch and the release 
> branch gets “more attention”.
> If we somehow can reduce the release cycle timeline/length, the divergence 
> between master and release branches can be potentially less causing less 
> conflicts/issues when following the above.
> Thoughts, flames?

Hi Rohit:

Help me understand some of the dynamics here:

Folks focus on the release branch while trying to get a release out.
Does that prohibit work being done on release+1 (e.g. pushing work to
develop that didn't make it in to a release by feature freeze?)


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