I'm afraid I don't agree on some of points here, Rohit.

On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 7:48 PM, Rohit Yadav <rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com> wrote:

> Some suggestions and comments to improve PR reviewing/merging:
> - Let's merge the PR commits in a fast forward way instead of doing a branch 
> merge that introduces frivolous merge commits. This is one approach to do 
> quickly and painlessly:
> http://blog.remibergsma.com/2015/05/24/accepting-pull-requests-the-easy-way/

Most specifically I am a great proponent of merge commits. The make
very clear that a bunch of work belongs together and was merged at a
certain point in time.

> - Let’s try to send PR around on one issue or one broad issue, or against a 
> JIRA ticket; but avoid unrelated sub-systems etc

Now this I strongly agree on with you.

> - If there are not many changes (say less than 100-200 lines were changed), 
> let's have the changes melded into one commit. This can be done either by the 
> PR author or by the committer. The immediate benefit is that all the changes 
> will be much easy to port across other branches, easy to view and follow 
> git-log, and easy to revert-able.

Only if the change is rally doing only one thing. It is the merge
commit that should make it easily revertible.

> - Certain PRs that are typographical fixes, doc fixes and tooling related 
> fixes - so let’s review and merge them if we’ve at least one green review 
> (“LGTM”), though changes to CloudStack mgmt server, agent and plugins 
> codebase IMO should have at least 2 green reviews (“LGTM”).

this is one I agree on again :) (score for those keeping: 2-2)


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