
According to Spring's documentation, Spring 3 only supports running byte code 
compiled for 1.7 on a Java8 VM [1].  Spring 4 is the first release to support 
byte code compiled to 1.8 running on a Java8 VM.  

Our experience with CloudStack 4.5 and master on Java8 has been that it runs, 
but within 36-48 hangs or abends.  Therefore, the first step to getting a 
stable build on JDK8 is to ensure that all our dependencies support it.




John Burwell
53 Chandos Place, Covent Garden, London VA WC2N 4HSUK
On May 13, 2016, at 2:04 PM, Ron Wheeler <> wrote:
> I am not sure what you are using in Spring but I have been using Spring 3.x.x 
> with Java 8 for some time.
> I can believe that Spring 4 is "better" than Spring 3 but you might see if 
> you can separate these two technology upgrades just to keep it simple.
> There is enough in Java 8 to make a pretty big project if you just look at 
> Streams and refactoring interfaces and abstract classes to reduce the amount 
> of code.
> Just a comment from the cheap seats.
> Ron
>> On 13/05/2016 1:10 PM, Rohit Yadav wrote:
>> All,
>> I've started some work [pr] that aims to adapt CloudStack to recent changes 
>> in the environments and the ecosystem:
>> - Java8, Spring 4.x
>> - SystemD
>> - MariaDB and MySQL
>> - Reduce distro provided package dependency
>> - Packaging, CI and testing
>> These are long term goals but I've identified some concrete goals:
>> - Migrate to Java8 both for building codebase and running CloudStack (mgmt 
>> server, usage, agent etc)
>> - Migrate to Spring 4.x as 3.x is not supported to work with Java7
>> - Fix CI and packaging to use Java8
>> - Reduce distro specific package dependency such as Tomcat, since we're 
>> already using Jetty (maven-jetty-plugin) during development we can use 
>> embedded Jetty for mgmt server(s) as well
>> - Update systemvm template to include Java8 JRE
>> - Update packaging to support systemd (CentOS7+ has some systemd support and 
>> thanks to Wido's recent PR we would have systemd support for debian packages 
>> in future too)
>> - Optimize JVM options for long running mgmt server(s), agent(s) and usage 
>> server(s) to run on JRE8
>> I've sent a [pr] to show some initial progress in this regard where we've 
>> some outstanding issues but we're able to build/run/test with Java8 + Spring 
>> 4.x and TravisCI has been fixed to use JDK8 as well.
>> Testing in general would be a huge requirement for this initiative, 
>> especially testing of all the plugins. Java7 has EOL-ed and Java9 is around 
>> the corner; we've seen good amount of security and memory issues with 
>> Java7/6 and Tomcat6.x; therefore it seems necessary to work on above as we 
>> move towards a LTS release in upcoming months.
>> Request for comments, suggestions and guidance. Thanks.
>> [pr]
>> Regards.
>> Regards,
>> Rohit Yadav
>> 53 Chandos Place, Covent Garden, London  WC2N 4HSUK
>> @shapeblue
> -- 
> Ron Wheeler
> President
> Artifact Software Inc
> email:
> skype: ronaldmwheeler
> phone: 866-970-2435, ext 102

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