I've been speaking with Rich Bowen about the feasibility of holding another 
Cloudstack Collaboration Conference in conjunction with Apachecon
Apachecon is 24-27 September, Montreal

Rich has said that we can have a room for Monday 24th  + one other day (I'm, 
hoping that would be Tuesday) , so CCC could be 24-25 September

We could probably squeeze in 20 talks across the 2 days and would look to bolt 
on a hackathon at the end on Wednesday 26th (if Apachecon isn't able to 
accommodate the hackathon, we do know a friendly company in Montreal who *may* 
be able to host that)

WE NEED TO MOVE QUICKLY: The CFP for apachecon is already open and closes March 
So, I'd like to get a broad feeling here of support to do this

Theres not much needed to make this happen:

  1.  Confirm with Rich that we want to do this
  2.  Get updated - volunteers needed
  3.  Point our community at the exisiting CFP  - and then help on the 
submissions process - volunteers needed
  4.  Promote, etc

Kind regards
53 Chandos Place, Covent Garden, London  WC2N 4HSUK

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