
On 07/17/2018 02:01 PM, Marc-Aurèle Brothier wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> My 2 cents on the topic.
> people are commenting on issues when it should by the PR and vice-versa
> I think this is simply due to the fact that with one login you can do both,
> versus before you had to have a JIRA login which people might have tried to
> avoid, preferring using github directly, ensuring the conversation will
> only be on the PR. Most of the issues in Jira didn't have any conversation
> at all.
> But I do feel also the pain of searching the issues on github as it's more
> free-hand than a jira system. At the same time it's easier and quicker to
> navigate, so it ease the pain at the same time ;-)
> I would say that the current labels isn't well organized to be able to
> search like in jira but it could. For example any label has a prefix
> describing the jira attribute type (component, version, ...) Then a bot
> scanning the issue content could set some of them as other open source
> project are doing. The bad thing here is that you might end up with too
> many labels. Maybe @resmo can give his point of view on how things are
> managed in Ansible (https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pulls - lots of
> labels, lots of issues and PRs). I don't know if that's a solution but
> labels seem the only way to organize things.

Personally, I don't care much if jira or github issues. Github issues
worked pretty well for me so far.

However, We don't use all the things that make the work easier with
github issues. I assume we invested much more efforts in making "jira"
the way we wanted, now we assume that github just works?

The benefit about github issues is, that it has an extensive api which
let you automate. There are many helpful tools making our life easier.

Let a bot do the issue labeling, workflowing, and user guiding and even
merging PR after ci passed when 2 comments have LGTM.

Look at https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes e.g.

Short: If we want to automate things and evolve, github may be the
better platform, if we want to keep things manual, then jira is probably
more suitable.


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