Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

On Wednesday, Oct 15, 2003, at 06:23 Europe/Rome, Stephen McConnell wrote:

Geoff Howard wrote:

Geoff Howard wrote:

But a browse around ibiblio reveals:

exist but don't have any jars.

The ibiblio site is no different from Apache with respect to license obligations. When the Maven project started its bid to TLP is basically had to clean up its act bacause the content on ibiblio would by implication be resource managed by an Apache PMC - i.e. due-diligence required. The Maven guys went though a process of cleaning up the content on and the result of the cleanup is the missing jar files.
Nother approach is to rewrite the libraries from the javadocs under an apache license (the Servlet API code that is shipped with tomcat is licensed under the apache license and yet covers javax.servlet... if you pass the test, it's valid)

Hmm - this is intruiging. Are you saying I can create an apache version of javax.jms and friends? This is bizarre with interfaces and abstract classes isn't it?

but I know this isn't really a sexy approach ;-)

Hey, I've never been sexy before - why start now? ;)


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