On 22.11.2003 18:30, Ugo Cei wrote:

I'm with you here. Let's face it, what people are and will be using Woody for is mainly HTML forms, and there's no way you can make a decent form-based application without *lots* of DHTML code.

But the current code is not DHTML, but document.write().

For example, in my current project we have forms with hundreds of fields, and having tabs is a huge usability improvement. So much that for an early prototype we developed our own "tabs" script on top of JXForms, but as soon as I saw Woody's tabs I threw the prototype away and restarted from scratch.

If there are problems with the current implementation, let's fix them and provide a standards-compliant DHTML-based toolkit for those who need it (like me ;-) ). If we want to create the best web application development platform in the world, we cannot provide only a server-side solution and tell people to do their homework on the client side. This isn't going to sell.

I don't want it. But we should provide standard conform default client side code.

Let's not just provide something for the lowest common denominator (a.k.a. Netscape 4.X).


We could do a simple stylesheet for people who just want a plain registration form for their guestbook, but I'd question the appropriateness of using Woody for that, the FormValidatorAction would work much better.

I'm with you here and would even not add a simple stylesheet. People adding simply a guestbook won't use Cocoon, so it's more or less useless effort. Cocoon Forms has "higher aims" :-)


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