On 24.11.2003 22:32, Ugo Cei wrote:

Joerg Heinicke wrote:

I'm with you here and would even not add a simple stylesheet. People adding simply a guestbook won't use Cocoon, so it's more or less useless effort. Cocoon Forms has "higher aims" :-)

Sorry if I misunderstood you, but your sentence on "focusing on server side form processing" is the only thing I take issue with. As for the rest, I'm happy that we fully agree.

Focussing does not mean ignoring the rest. Woody is a server-side form framework and so there should be the focus. We must provide a nice default implementation of client side code, i.e. styling. But this styling should not take to much effort and time. I had the impression that it took to much in the last days/weeks, esp. as such a library like the calendar is/has to be maintained and was extended by help popup while this is in my opinion useless with the background of no being future-safe for example for XHTML. I simply could not understand why we put that effort into such outdated stuff while other work has also to be done => re-focus.


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