If I understand the issue correctly...  We have purchased Tangosol Coherence
so if there is a way that whatever Cocoon uses is pluggable enough that a
third party product could be used instead of a light-weight solution (i.e.
to provide clustering support) that would be great.  I believe Coherence is
Jcache compliant so obviously I'd love to something compliant with that.


 -----Original Message-----
From:   Corin Moss [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent:   Monday, March 08, 2004 1:03 PM
Subject:        RE: regarding JCS usage...


I agree that this is bad news.

Before a decision is made one way or another, it might be a good idea to
agree on minimal functionality required of a store.  I'm not overly in
favour of a true light-weight cache like EHCache being the only
supported caching mechanism.  In my usage of JCS I intend to utilise the
distributed caching functionality, and see that this is a really big
plus of JCS. 

Perhaps we need to investigate having several options for caching which
are actively supported?  This would allow users like myself who have
Cocoon spread over multiple servers to use the advanced functionality of
the distributed cache.  Perhaps something light-weight like EHCache or
similar could be used by default? Provided of course, that both can be
actively supported ;)

Would it be worth polling the users and dev lists to get something of a
"wish-list" for store functionality?



-----Original Message-----
From: Unico Hommes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Tuesday, 9 March 2004 5:21 a.m.
Subject: Re: regarding JCS usage...

Marco Rolappe wrote:

>I stumbled over the following thread in the hibernate forum about JCS
>thought it might be useful to know before going JCS. there's also an

>alternative (EHCache) mentioned.


Hmm, more bad news about JCS. It's beginning to look less and less

likely candidate for our caching needs. I've been talking with a guy on

the JCS users list who has created a patch for the JCS shutdown bug I

mentioned earlier. Hopefully this issue will be resolved soon and I can

start doing some heavy testing to see for myself.


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