On 05.04.2004 04:31, Antonio Gallardo wrote:

in the past I was used to:

1) cp blocks.properties local.blocks.properties
2) vi local.blocks.properties
3) uncomment the blocks that I wanted to exclude

Today, I have to go thru a bunch of include and change them from true to
false. Much more hassle than just uncommenting/commenting one line.


There was a vote:


I think this is the same again a less than 24 hours vote. AFAIK, there
must be at least a 48 hours.

That's not true! I started the vote on Thursday before work:
and committed the stuff Friday after work:

Of course you can still object that it have been only 30 hours, but til Stefano's objection there had been 80 hours:
which is even more than the longest voting period of 72 hours I know of.


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