Tony Collen wrote:

Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

in the past I was used to:

 1) cp
 2) vi
 3) uncomment the blocks that I wanted to exclude

Today, I have to go thru a bunch of include and change them from true to false. Much more hassle than just uncommenting/commenting one line.

Please, revert back to how it was before or make it equivalently painless to reduce the blocks tuning time.



There was a vote:

Please don't take this the wrong way, but where were you during the vote? :)

Earning the money that feeds me, which doesn't come from following this list.

You guys debate on avoiding the double negative, but failed completely to see the value of the previous schema that you could remove a block with a single keystroke.

Now, I don't care what wording you use for the properties, but I *DO* care about how much effort one is supposed to undergo to tune cocoon.

So, no matter what wording you use, please, make it as easy as it was before or I'll call a new vote to revert it.


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