On Fri, 29 Oct 2004, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

Giacomo Pati wrote:

Sure, no problem. How should it be named?

What does it do? :)

Someone mentioned Crons JobScheduler as it has a fireJob()
method that could do it but would we want the cron block go
into the core?

Hmm, I think this depends on the effort it takes to create it.
If we have to add/maintain 10 classes with hundreds of LOCs,
I would say, let's use Cron - but if it is a simple class,
we should imho avoid the dependency for the core.

Well, this depend of the functionality needed. With a look into the event package there are:

        Command         (Interface)
        DelayedCommand  (Interface)
        RepeatedCommand (Interface)

on the client side, and there will be:

        CommandManager          (Interface)
        DefaultCommandManager   (Class)
        plus some helper classes to
        implement the scheduling

on the service side.

Now, decide yourself if it is worth doing it ourself (in fact, cloning the event package more or less and maintaining it) or put the cron block into core which has all you need for background task management but adds some more jars and classes to the core.

But why do we put it into the Context? Wouldn't it be
better to make a
simple component out of it?

It dosn't matter for me as long as a flow script ca do .setupObject( foo ) and foo is able to get it.

Great :)


-- Giacomo Pati Otego AG, Switzerland - http://www.otego.com Orixo, the XML business alliance - http://www.orixo.com

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