Le 12 oct. 05, à 15:39, Bertrand Delacretaz a écrit :

Le 12 oct. 05, à 15:34, hepabolu a écrit :

...Fine by me, but in the wiki page you say something along the lines "if you don't respond, the state stays WONTFIX", which in effect means you have to mark all bugs for "WONTFIX"...

Yes, using the "change several bugs at once" means we have to set all to the same status. The BUGZILLA_CLEANUP_2005_10 marker in the comments allows us to select those bugs easily if needed later....

er...sorry you were right I messed up with the states.

So here's the suggested plan:

1) Set all open issues (except those filed since September 1st) to LATER and add to each issue the comment shown under "Bugzilla comment to send" on http://wiki.apache.org/cocoon/BugzillaIssuesCleanup

2) People who want to confirm their issue set it to REOPENED

3) We wait 3 weeks (after giving a 2-week deadline in the comment)

4) Issues in state LATER and containing BUGZILLA_CLEANUP_2005_10 are those which were not confirmed, we can set them to WONTFIX at this point.

Steps 1) and 4) can be done en masse via the "change several bugs at once" function of bugzilla.


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