I wonder if people just missed this topic in the
volume of recent discussions. And two days before
the silly season is probably not a good time to
try to revive it :-)


David Crossley wrote:
> At Apache Forrest we have discovered some problems with
> the ASF Jira. Cocoon is going to hit these same issues.
> So i wonder if we can address it together. There are
> evidently some people on cocoon-dev who have used
> Jira extensively. Perhaps we need customised screens.
> Jira has a field called "Priority" which has the values
> Blocker, Critical, Major, Minor, Trivial.
> ASF Bugzilla has a different concept. It has a field
> called "Severity" with those same values. It has another
> called "Priority" which has values like p1, p2, p3, etc.
> The Buzilla "Severity" means the impact of the issue
> (e.g. Blocker means that it prevents development).
> The "Priority" means the importance and order in which
> it should be fixed.
> [1] http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/page.cgi?id=fields.html#bug_severity
> In my opinion Jira has these two concepts mixed up
> together.
> Some other project (Xalan?) has already added a custom
> field called "fix-priority". Should we add that field
> to our issue screens and reports?
> This becomes confusing at the front page of a project
> e.g. http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FOR
> where "By Priority" is listed in the bottom-right.
> They are not actually our priority for fixing the
> issues, but a list of the perceived severity.
> There is an additional problem. Forrest has separate
> "Plugins" and Cocoon has separate "Blocks". A Blocker
> in a Plugin is not necessarily a Blocker for the project
> as a whole.
> This makes it difficult for the developers to plan what
> to work on next and which issues need to be fixed for
> the upcoming release. It also gives an unrealistic view
> of the state of the project.
> So do people here agree with those problems?
> Do you see a workaround? Perhaps rename "Priority" to
> "Severity" and also list "fix-priority" on the front page
> and on the issue screens.
> Ross recently asked at ASF Infrastructure about the
> wider issue of separate "sub-projects". See the answer
> and other discussion about this topic at forrest-dev
> [2] http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?t=113213094300001
> http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=forrest-dev&m=113334665915625
> -David