Le 15 mars 06 à 16:25, Jean-Baptiste Quenot a écrit :

* Bertrand Delacretaz:
...How  about backporting  the Spring-based  container and  the new
configuration  features  to 2.1.x,  and  make  that Cocoon  2.3,
without touching the current trunk?

Good idea.  But I guess you are talking about release 2.2, not 2.3
as we never released 2.2 yet?..

No, I'm talking about 2.3 on purpose - we've been talking about 2.2 for a long time, and what we're talking about now is not the 2.2 that we envisioned in these discussions.

People would find rather confusing information about 2.2 in our mail archives for example, if we released the above as 2.2.

So naming the above thing 2.3 avoids confusion, the only question will be "what happened to 2.2" to which we can reply "it was never released but will come up later under another version number".


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