I will investigate the virtual sitemap components, and see what I can see... 
thanks for the pointers.

Cocoon is pretty crazy... how does one normally find out about all these nifty 


On 4 May 2006 4:12 am, Upayavira wrote:
> Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
> > Adrien Guillon wrote:
> >>    What is the official design reason for resources not being accessible
> >> by child site maps ?
> >
> > I guess originally this has just been forgotten to be implemented.
> >
> >>    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
> >
> > With 2.2 we will have a different solution, the virtual sitemap
> > components which can be compared to resources and which are inherited to
> > sub sitemaps.
> Also, bear in mind that if you use the cocoon: protocol, the serialiser
> will likely be skipped. You could call the sub-pipeline with something
> that tells it how to use another pipeline as its generator.
> So there are ways you could achieve what you are after with the current
> setup.
> Regards, Upayavira