Jeremy Quinn wrote:

On 12 Nov 2006, at 23:41, Antonio Gallardo wrote:

Hi Jeremy,

Nice work. Please look into the small issues below:


We use 4 spaces for tabs.

Ugh! I hate the 4 spaces rule ;)

Encoding typo? Please review your subversion settings.

I think it was a UTF-8 Byte Order Mark, removed .....

I had also forgotten to make the Upload Form sample use Ajax, doh ;)

One thing I forgot to mention in my notes for these changes is the rendering pipeline .....

The pipeline for rendering JXMacro-based forms now has to adapt itself to whichever Dojo Transport is being used, as the BrowserUpdate response has to be different for each one :

. . .
<map:select type="ajax-request">
  <map:when test="true">
    <map:select type="request-parameter">
      <map:parameter name="parameter-name" value="dojo.transport"/>
      <map:when test="iframe">
<map:transform src="resource://org/apache/cocoon/forms/resources/IframeTransport-bu-styling.xsl"/>
        <map:serialize type="xhtml"/><!-- this is REALLY important -->
       <map:serialize type="xml"/>
. . .

If iFrameIOTransport is being used, then the BU response needs to be different XML and have a different serializer.

Any suggestions for reducing this complexity ?

Maybe the BrowserUpdateTransformer could differentiate depending on the Transport, to save having the extra XSLT Transformation?

Sylvain suggested a BrowserUpdateSerializer, that could switch between XML and XHTML depending on the Transport.

Yup, the idea of hard-coding it into a serializer is to avoid requiring people to copy/paste this (complex) snippet which is required plumbing they should normally neither modify nor care about.

Or is there a way to define this as a system-provided virtual serializer?


Sylvain Wallez -

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