Reinhard Poetz wrote:
> David Crossley wrote:
> >
> >I see that the META-INF/NOTICE.txt etc. files in each
> >of "cocoon-components" and "impl" directory, would correspond
> >with those from the sources. However where does top-level
> >NOTICE.txt file come from? Should it be generated as a
> >combination of the other two? The files in the sub-directories
> >could potentially be different.
> The problem is that the release artifacts are sometimes collections of 
> several more focused artifacts, at least in the Maven 2 world they get 
> distributed in smaller units.
> I guess that the correct solution is that each of those "collection release 
> artifacts" has to contain a hand-crafted NOTICE.txt file.
> The license 
> should because of the ASF policy always be the same.

I gather from listening to legal-discuss@ list that
the licenses of supporting products need to be appended
to the main LICENSE file.

This has been added to the draft legal pages.

This is another wrinkle that we have not yet fully
addressed at Forrest.

A comment from Roy made me realise why that is needed.
The LICENSE and NOTICE files are intended to be shown
to the user in an "About..." style pop-up box.


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