I disagree. If the CSV record is read-only, then the List and Map representations of the CSV record should be read-only too. Making those representations writable is confusing - it gives the impression you are modifying the CSV record when in fact you are not.

I don't see how it restricts their usability.


Quoting Gary Gregory <garydgreg...@gmail.com>:

On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 9:40 AM, <adrian.c...@sandglass-software.com> wrote:

CORRECTION: The patch in the Jira issue is a simplified version of Gary's

I started with the design I proposed - an inner class Map implementation
backed by CSVRecord, but then implementing entrySet() and such became
complicated. So I changed it to the inner class being backed by a HashMap,
then reduced that to a simplified version of Gray's implementation.

I apologize for the confusion.

I do not see the point of making the new objects (list, map) read-only.
Since the objects are not connected to the record, there should be no
expectancy of synchronizing the map with the record. There are "to" methods
after all. This just restricts the usability of the objects.



Quoting Adrian Crum <adrian.c...@sandglass-software.com>:

 I agree with Emmanuel. We don't want CSVRecord to devolve into a god
class that tries to be everything to everybody. "Do only one thing, and do
it really well" is the design pattern I prefer.

I created a patch for the design I proposed a few days ago. Please
consider using it.


Adrian Crum
Sandglass Software

On 1/22/2014 8:01 AM, Emmanuel Bourg wrote:

Le 21/01/2014 15:08, Gary Gregory a écrit :

 This kind of complication is unnecessary IMO, why not just have the
implement Map?

Because a record is neither a List nor a Map.

A map decorator isn't that complicated, and the work has already been
done in [configuration]. It would be trivial to adapt the code to [csv].

Emmanuel Bourg

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