On Mon, Feb 1, 2016 at 9:50 AM Gilles <gil...@harfang.homelinux.org> wrote:

> "Math" is (a bit?) overwhelming for a team of 5- people.
> In "Commons" there was the rationale of accepting only "common"
> algorithms (although that was fairly fuzzy as a limitation).
> Not so with that overly general name.
> It's a library that will contain math, yes; all of math, certainly
> not.
> So the name is just a name; it should point to project, not to a
> general concept.
The TLP move for Apache Math will help it gain some visibility and also
give it the ability to branch out to new areas.  There's nothing saying
that the current 5 people are the only ones who will ever work on it.  The
idea is to grow the library.

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