Dear all,

As an idea for GSoC that came up in [1], we want to settle some guidelines
that other commons projects might follow to make the shift. We came up with
some ideas in [2]. I wanted to ask about some experience you have had while
moving to JDK 9 in other commons-projects.

I wanted to propose this:

   1. Make the movement of commons-rdf to JDK 9 generating modules
   descriptions automatically through Maven.
   2. Generate integration tests to guarantee that modules are working as
   expected with JDK 9.
   3. Maybe have multi-release JARs?

Since other commons projects follow a similar structure, we can generate
some documentation in a wiki-like media. So, they can make the shit to JPMS
or at least have a guideline. Or I can contribute :D.

Wha do you think?



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