1) Moving to Java 9 as a base would be a terrible choice. Java 9 is a
six-month release which is about to be replaced by Java 10, which will
then be replaced by Java 11. Thus, Java 8 is the only sensible
baseline right now.

2) Compiling a single jar file such that it works on Java 8 but has a
module-info.class for Java 9 using Maven is a right pain in the
backside. Most maven plugins cannot seamlessly handle it making the
pom.xml much more complex. Note that you do not need a multi-release
jar file to make it work. See

3) It is yet to be demonstrated that JPMS is going to be widely used.
To release a jar file with JPMS module-info.class, it requires that
ALL dependencies are also JPMS modules with either module-info.class
or Automatic-Module-Name in the manifest. Most projects are nowhere
near this position yet.

Right now the plan for commons should be simple:

- add Automatic-Module-Name to MANIFEST.mf to lock down the module name
- if the project has no dependencies and runs on Java 6 or later,
consider adding a module-info.java, with the awareness that this is a
complex task


On 7 March 2018 at 03:46, Kamila Molina Orellana
<kamila.molin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear all,
> As an idea for GSoC that came up in [1], we want to settle some guidelines
> that other commons projects might follow to make the shift. We came up with
> some ideas in [2]. I wanted to ask about some experience you have had while
> moving to JDK 9 in other commons-projects.
> I wanted to propose this:
>    1. Make the movement of commons-rdf to JDK 9 generating modules
>    descriptions automatically through Maven.
>    2. Generate integration tests to guarantee that modules are working as
>    expected with JDK 9.
>    3. Maybe have multi-release JARs?
> Since other commons projects follow a similar structure, we can generate
> some documentation in a wiki-like media. So, they can make the shit to JPMS
> or at least have a guideline. Or I can contribute :D.
> Wha do you think?
> Regards,
> ~Kamila.
> [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/COMMONSSITE-103
> [2] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/COMMONSRDF-75

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