On Thu, Jun 11, 2020 at 9:24 PM Gilles Sadowski <gillese...@gmail.com>

> Hello Amey.
> Hello Gilles ,

> I've just noticed that  quite some work was done towards
> that goal.  I created the corresponding branch on "gitbox".
> From a quick glance, the maven modules do not follow the
> convention of modular components such as "Commons
> RNG": a module's name should be
>   commons-graph-api
> rather then just
>   api

Thanks for pushing it to git, I was aware about the modularization branch
from the old svn repository, I was referring same for modularisation.

> I suggest that you take "Commons RNG" as an example,
> and update [Graph] accordingly (namely the POM files).

Thanks for the reference of RNG, will certainly refer it for graph
modularization. I have already started upgrading the codebase and pushing

Meantime could you please set up the Travis-CI for commons-graph? I have
mentioned https://travis-ci.org/apache/commons-graph in README, for now, it
doesn't exist though. not sure if PMC can do this or this goes to INFRA?

[Somehow the tool recommended by INFRA did not do a full
> job of duplicating the code base on SVN...  There are other
> (older) branches there; so you might want to have a look and
> let us know whether you want them on git too or whether they
> are outdated.]

Just modularization brach is ok for now.  Thank You!

> Regards,
> Gilles
> > > > > [...]
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> Regards,
Amey Jadiye

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