Julian asked:

> Re. "owning our data": we do own our source code but what about all
> the conversational metadata in GH? In the Subversion project we have
> a GH mirror of the code but pull requests and code comments etc. in
> GH aren't even copied to the Subversion PMC mailing lists, apart
> from the first message in each PR which is; these are known
> limitations.

We get all comments on issues and PRs to our notifications@ mailing
list. Maybe you should check with Infra as to how this works for us,
but not for you. The only real difference is that they are not well-
threaded vs. what you get if you subscribe yourself, but this is a
minor inconvenience.

Rich also responded:

> 2) This is a decision made by Infra, at the extensive, YEARS-LONG
> pressuring of our projects. This is something our projects wanted, and
> demanded, and even, in cases, threatened to leave over.

I don't think we ever threatened to leave over it, but we did make
a years-long campaign for it (and were the first project on git vs.

The simple fact is that developers are on GH. We get more code
contributions and involvement in our community because we moved our 
code and issue management to GH. As a more end-user-focused project
than many at ASF, our project needs that kind of interaction to live
and breathe well. We were too isolated in JIRA, and we've easily added
33% of our current contributor code base through drive-by PRs on our
GH repo.

GL doesn't offer this tangible feature, even if I agree with you that
it would be better in principle to support GL over GH. The secondary
advantage of GH Issues being more user-friendly than JIRA was a nice-
to-have, but the real goal for us was discoverability and interaction
with all the other open source projects in the Erlang, C/C++ and
JavaScript communities. That's where they all are, so that's where we
are glad to be.

> Re. "infra": infra is here to create and manage the infra to support
> the projects' wants and needs; I am speaking here to the community
> to try to influence their wants and needs.

No thanks.


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