stevedlawrence commented on a change in pull request #74: Daffodil trailing sep

 File path: 
 @@ -0,0 +1,549 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.daffodil.processors.parsers
+import org.apache.daffodil.dpath.NodeInfo
+import org.apache.daffodil.exceptions.Assert
+import org.apache.daffodil.processors.{ ElementRuntimeData, Failure, 
ModelGroupRuntimeData, SequenceRuntimeData, Success, TermRuntimeData }
+import org.apache.daffodil.schema.annotation.props.SeparatorSuppressionPolicy
+import org.apache.daffodil.schema.annotation.props.gen.SeparatorPosition
+import org.apache.daffodil.util.Maybe
+import org.apache.daffodil.schema.annotation.props.gen.OccursCountKind
+trait Separated { self: SequenceChildParser =>
+  import ArrayIndexStatus._
+  def sep: Parser
+  def spos: SeparatorPosition
+  def ssp: SeparatorSuppressionPolicy
+  val childProcessors = Seq(sep, childParser)
+  /**
+   * Tells us if we should remove a successfully parsed zero-length string
+   * or hexBinary from the infoset, because it is optional, so even though
+   * zero length may parse successfully and return an empty string or 
+   * the optionality of the element wins out over the empty-string value, and
+   * we don't put the element into the infoset as an array child.
+   */
+  def shouldRemoveZLStringHexBinaryValue(ais: ArrayIndexStatus, erd: 
ElementRuntimeData): Boolean = {
+    val optional = ais eq Optional
+    val res =
+      if (!optional) false
+      else {
+        val optPT = erd.optPrimType
+        if (optPT.isEmpty) false
+        else {
+          val pt: NodeInfo.PrimType = optPT.get
+          pt match {
+            case NodeInfo.PrimType.String => true
+            case NodeInfo.PrimType.HexBinary => true
+            case _ => false
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    res
+  }
+class ScalarOrderedRequiredSeparatedSequenceChildParser(
+  childParser: Parser,
+  srd: SequenceRuntimeData,
+  trd: TermRuntimeData,
+  val sep: Parser,
+  val spos: SeparatorPosition,
+  val ssp: SeparatorSuppressionPolicy)
+  extends SequenceChildParser(childParser, srd, trd)
+  with Separated {
+  override def parse(state: PState) = childParser.parse1(state)
+  override def shouldRemoveZLStringHexBinaryValue(ais: ArrayIndexStatus, erd: 
ElementRuntimeData): Boolean = false
+class ExactlyNLoopState(limit: Long) extends ParseLoopState {
+  import ArrayIndexStatus._
+  def arrayIndexStatus(parser: SequenceChildParser,
+    pstate: PState,
+    resultOfPriorTry: ParseAttemptStatus) = {
+    val res =
+      if (pstate.processorStatus ne Success)
+        Failed
+      else {
+        resultOfPriorTry match {
+          case _: FailedParseAttemptStatus => ArrayIndexStatus.Failed
+          case _ => {
+            if (pstate.arrayPos <= limit)
+              Required
+            else
+              MaxExceeded
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    res
+  }
+  def nextArrayIndex(pstate: PState): Long = {
+    val res = pstate.arrayPos
+    pstate.mpstate.moveOverOneArrayIndexOnly() // advance array position
+    res
+  }
+trait OccursCountExactLoopStateMixin { self: SequenceChildParser =>
+  def repeatCount: Long
+  val minRepeats = 0L
+  val maxRepeats = repeatCount
+  def loopState(pstate: PState): ParseLoopState = {
+    new ExactlyNLoopState(repeatCount)
+  }
+class RepOrderedExactlyNSeparatedSequenceChildParser(
+  childParser: Parser,
+  srd: SequenceRuntimeData,
+  val erd: ElementRuntimeData,
+  val repeatCount: Long,
+  val sep: Parser,
+  val spos: SeparatorPosition,
+  val ssp: SeparatorSuppressionPolicy,
+  val baseName: String = "ExactlyN")
+  extends SequenceChildParser(childParser, srd, erd)
+  with OccursCountExactLoopStateMixin
+  with Separated
+  with RepParser
+trait OccursCountExpressionLoopStateMixin { self: SequenceChildParser =>
+  def ocParser: Parser
+  def loopState(pstate: PState): ParseLoopState = {
+    ocParser.parse1(pstate)
+    val ocInt = pstate.mpstate.occursBounds.toInt
+    new ExactlyNLoopState(ocInt)
+  }
+class RepOrderedExactlyTotalOccursCountSeparatedSequenceChildParser(
+  childParser: Parser,
+  override val ocParser: Parser,
+  srd: SequenceRuntimeData,
+  erd: ElementRuntimeData,
+  sep: Parser,
+  spos: SeparatorPosition,
+  ssp: SeparatorSuppressionPolicy)
+  extends RepOrderedExactlyNSeparatedSequenceChildParser(childParser,
+    srd, erd,
+    { val ignored = 0; ignored },
+    sep, spos, ssp,
+    "ExactlyTotalOccursCount")
+  with OccursCountExpressionLoopStateMixin {
+  override val childProcessors = Seq(ocParser, childParser)
+  override def loopState(pstate: PState) = super.loopState(pstate)
+trait OccursCountMinMaxLoopStateMixin { self: SequenceChildParser =>
+  def min: Long
+  def max: Long
+  def erd: ElementRuntimeData
+  def loopState(pstate: PState): ParseLoopState =
+    new MinMaxLoopState(erd, min, max)
+ * Pass nothing, or -1 for min/max to mean use erd.minOccurs/maxOccurs
+ * Pass -2 for max to force unbounded behavior.
+ */
+class RepOrderedWithMinMaxSeparatedSequenceChildParser(
+  childParser: Parser,
+  srd: SequenceRuntimeData,
+  val erd: ElementRuntimeData,
+  val baseName: String,
+  val sep: Parser,
+  val spos: SeparatorPosition,
+  val ssp: SeparatorSuppressionPolicy,
+  val min: Long = -1,
+  val max: Long = -1) // pass -2 to force unbounded behavior
+  extends SequenceChildParser(childParser, srd, erd)
+  with Separated
+  with RepParser
+  with OccursCountMinMaxLoopStateMixin
+class MinMaxLoopState(erd: ElementRuntimeData, min: Long, max: Long) extends 
ParseLoopState {
+  import ArrayIndexStatus._
+  Assert.invariant(erd.maybeOccursCountKind.isDefined)
+  lazy val minRepeats = if (min == -1) erd.minOccurs else min
+  lazy val maxRepeats = max match {
+    case -1 if (erd.maxOccurs == -1) => Long.MaxValue
+    case -1 => if (erd.maybeOccursCountKind.get eq OccursCountKind.Parsed) 
Long.MaxValue else erd.maxOccurs
+    case -2 => Long.MaxValue
+    case _ => max
+  }
+  def arrayIndexStatus(
+    parser: SequenceChildParser,
+    pstate: PState,
+    resultOfPriorTry: ParseAttemptStatus): ArrayIndexStatus = {
+    import ParseAttemptStatus._
+    if (pstate.processorStatus ne Success)
+      return Failed
+    resultOfPriorTry match {
+      case Success_EndOfArray => return Done
+      case _: SuccessParseAttemptStatus => // ok
+      case Uninitialized => // ok
+      case FailedEntireArray => return Failed
+      case FailedWithDiscriminatorSet => return Failed
+      case FailedSpeculativeParse => Assert.invariantFailed("Should already be 
+    }
+    if (pstate.arrayPos <= minRepeats)
+      return Required
+    if (pstate.arrayPos <= maxRepeats)
+      return Optional
+    MaxExceeded
+  }
+  def nextArrayIndex(pstate: PState): Long = {
+    val res = pstate.arrayPos
+    pstate.mpstate.moveOverOneArrayIndexOnly() // advance array position
+    res
+  }
+class OrderedSeparatedSequenceParser(rd: SequenceRuntimeData,
+  ssp: SeparatorSuppressionPolicy,
+  spos: SeparatorPosition,
+  sep: Parser,
+  childrenArg: Seq[SequenceChildParser])
+  extends OrderedSequenceParserBase(rd, childrenArg) {
+  override lazy val childProcessors = sep +: childrenArg
+  import SequenceChildParser._
+  //
+  // TODO: It would be good to get rid of this downcast
+  // leaving it for now, as the split into Separated/Unseparated might get
+  // recombined if upon implementing the separated interations it seems
+  // like they don't need to be independent code.
+  //
+  private val children = { 
_.asInstanceOf[SeparatedChildParser] }
+  private def failedSeparator(pstate: PState, priorState: PState.Mark, kind: 
String): Unit = {
+    val cause = pstate.processorStatus.asInstanceOf[Failure].cause
+    PE(pstate, "Failed to parse %s separator. Cause: %s.", kind, cause)
+  }
+  private def failedZeroLengthWithAnyEmpty(pstate: PState, priorState: 
PState.Mark) = {
+    PE(pstate, "Failed to parse sequence child. Cause: zero-length data, but 
dfdl:separatorSuppressionPolicy is 'anyEmpty'.")
+    ParseAttemptStatus.FailedSpeculativeParse
+  }
+  /**
+   * Parses one iteration of an array/optional element, and returns
+   * * MaybeBoolean.One(true) - indicates the child parse was zero length
+   * * MaybeBoolean.One(false) - indicates the child parse was not zero length 
or failed
+   * * MaybeBoolean.Nope - indicates that the array loop should terminate. If 
due to discriminator failure
+   * the pstate will indicate failure. If due to speculative parsing finding 
the end of the array
+   * then pstate will indicate success.
+   */
+  protected def parseOne(
+    parserArg: SequenceChildParser,
+    trd: TermRuntimeData,
+    pstate: PState,
+    priorState: PState.Mark,
+    maybeStartState: Maybe[PState.Mark],
+    ais: GoArrayIndexStatus): ParseAttemptStatus = {
+    val parser = parserArg.asInstanceOf[SeparatedChildParser]
+    val isFixedOccurs = maybeStartState.isEmpty
+    val isVariableOccurs = !isFixedOccurs
+    val finalStatus: ParseAttemptStatus = {
+      // parse prefix sep if any
+      val prefixSepSuccessful =
+        if ((spos eq SeparatorPosition.Prefix) && trd.isRepresented) {
+          sep.parse1(pstate)
+          pstate.processorStatus eq Success
+        } else
+          true
+      if (!prefixSepSuccessful) {
+        failedSeparator(pstate, priorState, "prefix")
+        processFailedChildParseResults(pstate, priorState, maybeStartState)
+      } else {
+        // except for the first position of the group, parse an infix separator
+        val infixSepSuccessful =
+          if ((spos eq SeparatorPosition.Infix) && pstate.mpstate.childPos > 1 
&& trd.isRepresented) {
+            sep.parse1(pstate)
+            pstate.processorStatus eq Success
+          } else
+            true
+        if (!infixSepSuccessful) {
+          failedSeparator(pstate, priorState, "infix")
+          processFailedChildParseResults(pstate, priorState, maybeStartState)
+        } else {
+          //
+          // now we parse the child
+          //
+          val prevBitPos = pstate.bitPos0b
+          if (isVariableOccurs) {
+            pstate.pushDiscriminator
+          }
+          if (pstate.dataProc.isDefined) 
pstate.dataProc.get.beforeRepetition(pstate, this)
+          parser.parse1(pstate)
+          if (pstate.dataProc.isDefined) 
pstate.dataProc.get.afterRepetition(pstate, this)
+          val childSuccessful = pstate.processorStatus eq Success
+          val res: ParseAttemptStatus = {
+            if (!childSuccessful) {
+              processFailedChildParseResults(pstate, priorState, 
+            } else {
+              Assert.invariant(childSuccessful)
+              val zl = prevBitPos == pstate.bitPos0b
+              // parse postfix sep if any
+              val postfixSepSuccessful =
+                if ((spos eq SeparatorPosition.Postfix) && trd.isRepresented) {
+                  sep.parse1(pstate)
+                  pstate.processorStatus eq Success
+                } else
+                  true
+              if (!postfixSepSuccessful) {
+                failedSeparator(pstate, priorState, "postfix")
+                processFailedChildParseResults(pstate, priorState, 
+              } else {
+                processSuccessfulChildParseResults(trd, parser, zl, pstate, 
priorState, maybeStartState, ais)
+              } // end if postfix success/fail
+            } // child if child success/fail
+          }
+          if (isVariableOccurs) {
+            pstate.popDiscriminator
+          }
+          res
+        } // end if infix
+      } // end if prefix
+    }
+    finalStatus
+  }
+  private def processSuccessfulChildParseResults(
+    trd: TermRuntimeData,
+    parser: SeparatedChildParser,
+    zl: Boolean,
+    pstate: PState,
+    priorState: PState.Mark,
+    maybeStartState: Maybe[PState.Mark],
+    ais: GoArrayIndexStatus): ParseAttemptStatus = {
+    val isFixedOccurs = maybeStartState.isEmpty
+    val isVariableOccurs = !isFixedOccurs
+    //
+    // Total success with this array child.
+    //
+    if (isFixedOccurs) {
+      //
+      // successful parse of required element. Zero length or not.
+      // note that anyEmpty doesn't apply in this case, and
+      // that property should be ignored.
+      //
+      ParseAttemptStatus.Success_LengthUndetermined
+    } else {
+      Assert.invariant(isVariableOccurs)
+      val startState = maybeStartState.get
+      processSuccessfulVariableOccursChildParseResults(trd, parser, zl, 
pstate, priorState, startState, ais)
+    }
+  }
+  private def processSuccessfulVariableOccursChildParseResults(trd: 
+    parser: SeparatedChildParser,
+    zl: Boolean,
+    pstate: PState,
+    priorState: PState.Mark,
+    startState: PState.Mark,
+    ais: GoArrayIndexStatus): ParseAttemptStatus = {
+    import ArrayIndexStatus._
+    //
+    // Now we have to analyze the cases where ZL matters and needs special 
+    //
+    val result: ParseAttemptStatus = ais match {
+      case Required => 
processSuccessfulRequiredVariableOccursChildParseResults(zl, pstate, 
priorState, startState)
+      case Optional => 
processSuccessfulOptionalVariableOccursChildParseResults(trd, parser, zl, 
pstate, priorState, startState, ais)
+    }
+    result
+  }
+  private def processSuccessfulRequiredVariableOccursChildParseResults(
+    zl: Boolean,
+    pstate: PState,
+    priorState: PState.Mark,
+    startState: PState.Mark): ParseAttemptStatus = {
+    //
+    // It's required. If it is empty, then that has to work as a value
+    // for us (so must work as empty string value, or empty hexBinary.
+    // we don't need to check for that here, as it is detected elsewhere.
+    //
+    // But we still have to check if we're allowed to have any empty
+    // at all according to separatorSuppressionPolicy
+    //
+    // FIXME: verify this. It might be that ssp is ignored for required
+    // elements
+    //
+    if (zl) {
+      if (ssp eq SeparatorSuppressionPolicy.AnyEmpty) {
+        //
+        // Not allowed to have any empty at all
+        //
+        failedZeroLengthWithAnyEmpty(pstate, priorState)
+      } else {
+        ParseAttemptStatus.Success_ZeroLength // ZL, successful parse of 
required element
+      }
+    } else {
+      ParseAttemptStatus.Success_NotZeroLength // not ZL, successful parse of 
required element
+    }
+  }
+  private def processSuccessfulOptionalVariableOccursChildParseResults(trd: 
+    parser: SeparatedChildParser,
+    zl: Boolean,
+    pstate: PState,
+    priorState: PState.Mark,
+    startState: PState.Mark,
+    ais: GoArrayIndexStatus): ParseAttemptStatus = {
+    if (zl) {
+      val shouldRemoveZLElement =
+        trd match {
+          case erd: ElementRuntimeData =>
+            parser.shouldRemoveZLStringHexBinaryValue(ais, erd)
+          case mgd: ModelGroupRuntimeData =>
+            false
+        }
+      if (shouldRemoveZLElement) {
+        // it's an optional element, type is string/hexBinary and length is 
+        // so we don't want to add it to the infoset
+        //
+        // However, we do want to keep trying to parse more, as they could be 
trailing separators.
+        // that are to be tolerated.
+        //
+        // So we don't backtrack here. We just remove the accumulated element.
+        //
+        pstate.reset(priorState) // no need discard priorState, that is 
implicitly discarded by resetting the startState
+        pstate.discard(startState) // finished with array, so cleanup
+        ParseAttemptStatus.Success_EndOfArray // success, but we're at end of 
array. not zero length (in this case with success at prior element)
+      } else {
+        //
+        // optional, zero length, successful parse, not a string/hexBinary
+        //
+        // This can happen if you parse a choice group that
+        // has all its branches entirely optional
+        //
+        if (ssp eq SeparatorSuppressionPolicy.AnyEmpty) {
+          //
+          // Not allowed to have any empty at all
+          //
+          failedZeroLengthWithAnyEmpty(pstate, priorState)
+        } else {
+          ParseAttemptStatus.Success_ZeroLength // ZL, successful parse of 
optional 'thing'
+        }
+      }
+    } else {
+      ParseAttemptStatus.Success_NotZeroLength // not ZL, successful optional 
element parse
+    }
+  }
+  protected def parse(pstate: PState): Unit = {
+    var scpIndex = 0
+    pstate.mpstate.groupIndexStack.push(1L) // one-based indexing
+    val limit = children.length
+    var wasLastChildZeroLength = false
+    while ((scpIndex < limit) && (pstate.processorStatus eq Success)) {
+      val child = children(scpIndex)
+      child match {
+        case parser: RepSeparatedChildParser => {
+          val loopState = parser.loopState(pstate)
+          // push new array context for array/optional
+          parser.startArray(pstate)
+          val maybeStartState =
 Review comment:
   Some thoughts on the mark leak since this is notoriously hard to track down.
   I think this might be leaked. If a parse1 call throws an exception in 
parseOne, the processFailedChildParseResults method won't get called, which is 
supposed to discard/reset marks. The tryParseDetectMarkLeaks method will clean 
up the priorState mark leaked, but does not handle the maybeStartState. So I 
*think* you just need to discard the maybeStartState when priorState is 
   Anothe potential leak, in processSuccessfulChildParseResults, it looks like 
the state isn't reset/discarded if isFixedOccurs. I think some other code paths 
related to processSuccessful might be missing discards as well.

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