Pierre-Arnaud Marcelot schrieb:
> Hi Felix,
> Actually, I've got an issue with this solution... :(
> When you erase entirely your Maven local repository, there's an issue
> because the UpdateSite project refers to the help projects, which have
> not been built yet...
> So the build fails.
> I noticed that when I was switching the version number from
> 1.3.0.SNAPSHOT to 1.3.0-SNAPSHOT, so the CI server does not have any
> snapshot of the help plugins for this version.
> I think we need to bring back the original build order, and we need to
> setup a build profile based on the 'timestamp' file in the root help pom.
You're absolutely right, I should have thought about this. Profile
modules are built after the non profile modules. So we had in fact a
back log of 1 build in the help plugins :-(
I'll fix this.


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