Yes no problem. I'm trying to get a magazine together for OpenOffice. At
the moment I've got a bit of a layout done and requested some articles
off a few organisations that use OpenOffice. Hot had any articles yet
still waiting. As far as a name goes not sure what to call it yet the
nearest I can come up with is OpenOffice Magzine. As far as payment for
articles go. If money groes on tress or comes out of thin air then
you'll get very rich writing for the project as no payment are provided
it is a community project and I expect the community to provide some
free content.

If you are interested in helping out with hte project then please get in
touch and we can discuss this further.

The mag as is or as far as I have got can be downloaded from
take a look let me know if you have any suggestions that might help or
better still send any article or tutorials if you have them.


On Tue, 2007-10-23 at 18:04 -0400, Louis Suarez-Potts wrote:
> On 2007-09-05, at 07:50 , David wrote:
> > I'm toying with the idea of creating a magazine in scribus for
> > openoffice. Similar to
> > fullcircle magazine for Ubuntu.
> >
> > It won't be as good as the above mag as I'm only now learning scribus
> > but, with time it will get better.
> >
> > Do you have any thoughts or ideas on this that might help.
> I'm sorry for entering the party so late but I normally don't track  
> this list.  However, discussions about OpenOffice Magazine came up  
> recently on the ODF Adoption list.
> The idea of a magazine calling itself "openoffice magazine" was first  
> raised, I believe, a while ago, in fact, last 16 December.  That was  
> referring to a Polish magazine. This one is of course not that  
> one :-) I'd thus agree with Simon, as names are often more than  
> names. They are property. ;-/
> Anyway, I'm curious about the current thinking regarding payment, its  
> relation to the site, and so on. Would you be so kind as to lay it  
> out for us?  A general magazine that, say, complements our newsletter  
> and so on, is great; and one that works with the community to further  
> their voices is also good. But we clearly have to be careful about  
> issues of property, etc., as I'm sure you've come to realize.
> Thanks
> Louis
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