2) Actually, I have the AS implementation completely finished... it's
the Flex SDK (hence the 'vanilla' in the name). On the browser side
I'll have to create a JS framework that has the same public API as the
Flex SDK, but I never said that behind that API would be a translation
of any unused code from the Flex SDK (would be silly, wouldn't it?),
nor will it necessarily use the same intertwined dependencies. Having
the Flex public API available will allow developers to use the Flex
SDK to develop, e.g. in Flash Builder. It will however add the ability
to publish to JS as a new platform for deployment, JavaScript. I need
a little more time researching before I am ready to share my idea for
implementing this in an even more 'developer friendly' way: within the
Flex we KNOW and love. The emphasis is there to make the point that
any new AS framework will have a learning curve, which I'm afraid will
put even more developers off the "Apache Flex way", figuring that if
they need to learn a new tool anyway, they might as well learn a tool
like jQuery or any other of the myriad of JS frameworks out there.

Also, I think a little competition at this point will only improve our
concepts and therefor benefit the approach that will eventually be
chosen by the community ;-)


On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 7:30 PM, Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com> wrote:
> On 1/25/13 10:11 AM, "Frank Pepermans" <frankp...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> I concur, this is huge news for the future of Flex! Congrats to making this
>> possible!
>> About the vanilla sdk, I have some Jangaroo experience, there you can build
>> a full AS Button component,
>> which compiles to JS without the need of a vanilla SDK.
>> I assume technically you can do the same, if the basic Flash API stuff is
>> 'emulated' for JS and included with the compilation?
> Yes, it is great to see other approaches being investigated.  I think there
> three approaches right now.
> 1) Jangaroo: Actually a product.  Uses Flash API emulation
> 2) Eriks' VanillaSDK: Still a proof of concept.  My main concerns are that
> it will be a lot of work to finish, and that it will drag with it all of the
> unused code the Flex SDK does with its intertwined dependencies.
> 3) My approach: Still a proof of concept.  Brand new SDK designed to be
> optimally implemented in both JS and AS.
> --
> Alex Harui
> Flex SDK Team
> Adobe Systems, Inc.
> http://blogs.adobe.com/aharui

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