2) ColorPicker: It does not seem to allow setting the dataProvider or handle 
anything beyond an Array of color values. Arrays of Objects for named colors is 
pretty important. If this in fact missing, I guess I'll work at expanding the 

3) Alert: Does not show the error message. It looks to me that the problem is 
here that the messageDisplay is null.
            if (messageDisplay) {
                messageDisplay.text = _message;

On Feb 21, 2013, at 10:20 PM, Harbs wrote:

> Some questions on the components:
> 1) ProgressBar: It does not seem to have feature parity with the mx version. 
> There does not seem to be a way to specify an indeterminate progress bar. 
> There's no mode property. Am I missing something? There's also no label 
> property. Is the text set by specifying the percentDisplay.text? Will that 
> get overwritten as the progressbar updates?

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