On 5/1/13 10:22 AM, "Carlos Rovira" <carlos.rov...@codeoscopic.com> wrote:

> Hi Alex,
> I commit the fix. The problem was in FlexJSUI createjs Application.
Excellent, thanks.
> Now the createjs works ok.
> Now that we can see SWF and JS result, I see a significative difference in
> both outputs. createJS buttons and labels has bigger sizes than swf ones.
> Since createjs is in non DOM and we are creating *skinning* in the button
> definition, there's no root size management in this kind of output.
> For this non-DOM variant we should take this into account if we continue to
> evolve controls for this implementation so the controls take into account
> default or user defined widths and height.
I haven't looked at the createJS version's code.  For any control in this
framework, my process is:
1) figure out the simplest way to do it in JS
2) figure out how to emulate that in AS.

I think for now, Peter used the same controls on the AS side that we're
using for the DOM-based JS controls.  Eventually someone should modify the
AS side so it has better defaults that match the createJS defaults and make
sure the JS wrappers control size and position appropriately.

IMO, the CreateJS version and the Jquery version Peter is currently working
on are just experiments to see if the plumbing is agnostic of what JS
framework is being wrapped.

I'm planning on expanding out the DOM-based control set as my top priority
unless we hear lots of noise and reasons for building out on some other
framework first.

Thanks for pitching in!

Alex Harui
Flex SDK Team
Adobe Systems, Inc.

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