On 10/11/16, 12:14 PM, "Josh Tynjala" <joshtynj...@gmail.com> wrote:

>Search engine compatibility is one of the most basic requirements of
>documentation, in my opinion. If you can't find a
>from Google, it's not very useful. I guess Google's crawler will run
>JavaScript, though. With that in mind, maybe a non-static app can be used
>for the API reference and still be indexed.

I completely agree that ASDoc must be searchable.  I don't know how folks
solve this problem, but IMO, it isn't limited to ASDoc.  Any RIA, written
in Flex or not, like a shopping catalog, wants to be indexed by search
engines.  Does anybody know what the popular solutions are?  Whatever they
are, we want to try to package that as a component, so others can use it.

>I think to do this right, the app needs to use the HTML history API. The
>URL should update as you navigate to pages for different components, and
>the back button needs to work too. Additionally, you need to be able to
>copy-paste a URL and be able to return to the same content later. That
>means that the server needs to know that each of these URLs should load
>exact same HTML. The JavaScript can figure out which JSON content to load.

Yep, and we will need to component-ize such functionality for our
downstream developers.

>I know on Apache server, an .htaccess file gives you the ability to
>URLs and load different content. In the example above, you might add one
>the docs folder that tells it to always load example.com/docs/index.html
>long as the request isn't for CSS/JSON/images.

Again, I don't know what the popular solutions are.  Hopefully we have
some knowledgable people in our community.  IIRC, for regular Flex, we
used anchors instead of sub-directories, so the browser address bar showed:


I think you have to use anchors so the page isn't re-loaded.  But whatever
solution(s) is popular, we want to encapsulate it for other app developers.


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