Seriously? … download the entire Flex SDK for 4 Jars? 

Nope … not gonna happen … at least not if I have any saying in this matter.

Think I’ll just drop support for the fontkit in the Mavenizer and make sure 
FlexJS’s Maven build doesn’t need it. Perhaps we shouldn’t think about how we 
can continue to use those libs from Adobe, but think more about getting rid of 
this dependency once and for all. That’s something I think would be a better 
invest for our time.


Am 12.02.17, 07:36 schrieb "Alex Harui" <>:

    On 2/11/17, 11:22 AM, "Josh Tynjala" <> wrote:
    >This is also an issue for the Feathers SDK. I agree with Chris. If Adobe
    >could move these files somewhere else, that would help the community a
    >The current workaround really seems like it's too cumbersome. Since the
    >files are currently on SourceForge, maybe a repository on Github would be
    >just as acceptable to Adobe.
    I haven't tested the installer.  Has anyone?  It is using Adobe AIR.
    Saxon is bundled so it isn't an issue.  The font kit is optional.
    Apparently, it is very difficult for Adobe to change where the font kit
    files are.  We could switch back to downloading the entire Adobe Flex 4.6
    and unpacking the font kit jars.  I believe that is on a CDN and not
    source forge.

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