I have not been following this very closely. What does fontkit do?

> On Feb 13, 2017, at 6:29 PM, Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com> wrote:
> +1 to replacing font kit. Are you volunteering to write the code to
> replace the font kit?  I don't have the cycles.
> On 2/13/17, 2:23 AM, "carlos.rov...@gmail.com on behalf of Carlos Rovira"
> <carlos.rov...@gmail.com on behalf of carlos.rov...@codeoscopic.com> wrote:
>> +1
>> 2017-02-13 10:45 GMT+01:00 Christofer Dutz <christofer.d...@c-ware.de>:
>>> Seriously? … download the entire Flex SDK for 4 Jars?
>>> Nope … not gonna happen … at least not if I have any saying in this
>>> matter.
>>> Think I’ll just drop support for the fontkit in the Mavenizer and make
>>> sure FlexJS’s Maven build doesn’t need it. Perhaps we shouldn’t think
>>> about
>>> how we can continue to use those libs from Adobe, but think more about
>>> getting rid of this dependency once and for all. That’s something I
>>> think
>>> would be a better invest for our time.
>>> Chris
>>> Am 12.02.17, 07:36 schrieb "Alex Harui" <aha...@adobe.com>:
>>>    On 2/11/17, 11:22 AM, "Josh Tynjala" <joshtynj...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> This is also an issue for the Feathers SDK. I agree with Chris. If
>>> Adobe
>>>> could move these files somewhere else, that would help the
>>> community a
>>>> lot.
>>>> The current workaround really seems like it's too cumbersome. Since
>>> the
>>>> files are currently on SourceForge, maybe a repository on Github
>>> would be
>>>> just as acceptable to Adobe.
>>>    I haven't tested the installer.  Has anyone?  It is using Adobe AIR.
>>>    Saxon is bundled so it isn't an issue.  The font kit is optional.
>>>    Apparently, it is very difficult for Adobe to change where the font
>>> kit
>>>    files are.  We could switch back to downloading the entire Adobe
>>> Flex
>>> 4.6
>>>    and unpacking the font kit jars.  I believe that is on a CDN and not
>>>    source forge.
>>>    -Alex
>> -- 
>> Carlos Rovira
>> Director General
>> M: +34 607 22 60 05
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