On 2/13/17, 11:25 AM, "Harbs" <harbs.li...@gmail.com> wrote:

>I have not been following this very closely. What does fontkit do?

Fontkit parses font files and converts them into data formats used by SWF
DefineFont tags.  It's the kind of work I don't enjoy doing which is one
reason it hasn't been done.  I think you can use Apache Batik to open the
files.  IIRC, there are 4 DefineFont formats.  3 are used for TextField
and one for TextLine.

I don't know for sure, but I believe there is some intelligence around
conversion of cubic curves to quadratic curves and vice-versa when going
from CFF to TTF and back.  I heard that a straight conversion may not look
as nice as intelligent conversion where you know the curve is on a certain
part of the glyph, but that might just be a rumor.  We could just say that
we won't convert between curve types.  That you have to supply CFF files
for TextLine and TTF for TextField.  And if you need full conversion go
get the Adobe jars.

Because we don't have these libraries and Falcon doesn't have any code to
work with them right now anyway, for FlexJS we are telling folks to use
the regular Flex SDK with the FontKit to convert a font file to a SWF.
FlexJS will work with a SWF of embedded font data.  It is just not a
smooth workflow.


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