On 2/11/17, 3:04 PM, "Justin Mclean" <jus...@classsoftware.com> wrote:

>Please discuss the release candidate here and not in the vote thread.

Hmm... For me, the source kit doesn't seem to be result in saxon ending up
in lib/external/saxon9.jar.  Instead it has the full version in the name
(saxon9-1-0-8.jar).  The binary kit doesn't seem to have saxon in it at
all.  Do you have it working for you?

On a good note, the installer can install the binary kit and download the
font kit jars even on my Windows system that fails on the ant download
because I haven't installed the JCE update on that computer yet, so I
think the source forge problem isn't going to affect installer users, but
Ant installer users and folks building from source.


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